Months and months ago
this daring new project began...
Meet our next level pizza pavilion
Inventive - Hydraulic - Colossal
"The Transformer has to be completely
unfolded with one press of a button.
That will make our lives easier, because
sometimes we have to get 7 or 8 locations
ready at the same time"
Architectural design office: IWT
Months and months ago
this daring new project began...
Meet our next level pizza pavilion
- The Transformer -
A foldable, mobile pavilion for your bigtime eventcatering.Inventive - Hydraulic - Colossal
"The Transformer has to be completely
unfolded with one press of a button.
That will make our lives easier, because
sometimes we have to get 7 or 8 locations
ready at the same time"
Architectural design office: IWT